Sunday, January 30, 2011

Its time to stop making them


Release track packs, new songs, whatever you need to keep making money but there is no legitimate reason to make another god damn game if all your doing is adding new songs, theres not even graphic overhauls most of the time! 


  1. They're jumping the shark a little, but they're trying their hardest to make this an everlasting franchise.

  2. This series is such a cash cow, though. The myriad of videos on YouTube is testament to this, no?

    I would think that if there's a market that buys these, then by all means they should be sold- but only so long as it doesn't take away from other development budgets.

    I enjoy the other posts, too. Keep up the good work!

    Follow't, etcetera.

  3. A man after my own heart. I'm sick of all these games coming out. Coworkers getting all hyped up:

    "OMG dude did you hear they are making a new guitar hero!!!"
    "No. And I don't give a s***."

    I agree, they should just do track packs or whatever. Anyway, thanks for helping me relieve my stress. You are now being stal--followed.

  4. I agree, but its probably more profitable for them to continue releasing new games.

  5. I might be one of the few people who has never played Guitar Hero. Even if I wanted to buy the game myself, there are too many choices, it's kind of overwhelming...

  6. Money money money! It's well known truth that games makes money, music makes money and music games makes even more money :D

  7. More profitable, but fuck that. Eventually more and more people'll see they're just milking the cow 'till it's dead, resulting in quicker death of said cow.

  8. Unfortunately that's how it works, especially with Hollywood. If a movie or a game sells well, they'll keep making sequels until it doesn't. It doesn't matter if it receives critical acclaim, if it didn't make a lot of money, they won't make a sequel.

    Just look at the Saw movies, there's 8? The reviews get worse and worse but it sells so why not print your own money?

  9. I'm one of the few that has actually NEVER played Guitar Hero, yet I can agree with it. Stop milking it activision.

  10. Hahaha, you are so right. Let's swim in plastic guitars.

  11. Developers and companies do provide affordable entertainment, unfortunately, business will almost always be a priority over ALWAYS pleasing the fanbase.

  12. I agree TOTALLY! I've been over Guitar Hero since Rock Band debuted and over Rock Band since Rock Band 2. Making some DLC and call the franchises both dead as far as I'm concerned.

  13. i agree, theyre just milking us for every penny

  14. I honestly must say I loved the first and second Guitar Hero. After that it seemed to lose its meaning, being replaced with exceedingly difficult song charts and customization. Sure those were kinda cool but the simplicity of the game is what made it for me.

  15. This is kind of like the nintendo ds. They make like 30 versions of basically the same thing. They could at least come up with new names...

  16. Going to have to agree they should stop making them, but they make SO much money off it. Then tons of the zillion songs to DL after release

  17. I would be okay with it if they actually added some quality songs.

  18. Agreed but actually, I haven't noticed them making anything else.

  19. If the new releases had at least SOME of the songs in all the past games, I would say new ones are justified, even then only to a small extent. >:3

  20. Most people don't care or don't know. If they have the money they'll pay for it.

  21. I began playing Guitar Hero a couple of years back, and within an hour, I was done with it. I'm amazed a game that was such a one trick pony could have made it this far let alone have more than one sequel. In short, your post is nothing but the truth.
