Friday, February 11, 2011

F2P my ASS

Its about as free to play as WoW

You have to be a subscriber to connect to the servers at "peak" times. So wait you have to pay? to log on? I FUCKING SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE! So here I am after finishing the download... Log in... cool .... select server.... cool... connect..... why is it shaded out? are servers down? no.... you have to be a subscriber to log in currently.... what... the.... fuck..... is.... this....shit.....


  1. Oh knight online I played that game like hundreds years ago, I quit after losing a bunch of gold when I teleported to a pvp place, lol. Wasn't a good mmo at all, but I didn't know better at the time.

  2. haah nice! definitely following!

  3. lol that sounds like some BS, especially if they advertise it as "free to play" or something.

  4. that sucks, dude. i don't think you have to pay for minecraft, if that helps
